Movie review score
The lives of four black students at an Ivy League college.A social satire that follows the stories of four black students at an Ivy League college where controversy breaks out over a popular but offensive black-face party thrown by white students. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the film explores racial identity in acutely-not-post-racial America while weaving a universal story of forging one's unique path in the world.
User Reviews:
I give this movie an 8. It is funny, but can be uncomfortable at times. Its a movie I do not expect everybody to get. Like Spike Lee's do the right thing, It will make some feel uncomfortable and immediately go on the defense- which in turn makes them not appreciate the comedy the writing, the cast or the message.
This movie shows real people, real thoughts, real characters. It not glossed over , sugar coated characters ( nor extremist).
The movie offers different view points on what it is like to be a black person in this suppose to be "post racial" country that we live in.
I would give it a look, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!
This movie shows real people, real thoughts, real characters. It not glossed over , sugar coated characters ( nor extremist).
The movie offers different view points on what it is like to be a black person in this suppose to be "post racial" country that we live in.
I would give it a look, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!